This website has been in mothballs for quite some time. I’m resurrecting it to serve as a front door to my new effort at producing fine art photo-prints, in house. I’ll be selling these directly via Etsy and a dedicated Big Cartel store. I’m still a few months out from doing this, but I needed to start updates on sites so this one got the first ‘make-over’.

New galleries are going in so there will be plenty to see.
That said, posts to this blog will be kept short. It will serve as a link to new updates to the Gallery Pages, when new prints go on sale, shooting trips, experiments in the darkroom and when new content is added to my other websites like 24mmPOV or Roberto’s Puerto Rico. ‘Keep it Simple’ will be the rule of the day.
These posts will also show up on my Facebook page as well. The FB page is getting a make-over too. But remember, Facebook does not notify everybody, all the time, with updates. Many photographers have scaled back their FB presence because of this issue. So this ‘blog’ is the best place to see what’s happening. Besides, only small images will ever be posted to FB.